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3 bedroom spacious custom town homes for sale in tulum centro


estudio en Venta en Tulum

Tulum, Quintana Roo

Precio: U$D 550.000

  • Amb. e

Información del inmueble

Precio U$D 550.000


Eek Homes is a private housing gated complex with a set of six homes that gives you the opportunity to combine and personalize each space with a unique, avant-garde and modern style in order to offer an unbeatable experience.

Located across the street from La Veleta in the downtown area (Region 5), only 10 minutes by car from the beautiful Caribbean beaches, one block from the popular Organic Gypsy Market, close to all restaurants and bars downtown, close enough to walk or bike.

Each home has its own garden with private pool, jacuzzi, outdoor shower, laundry room and parking space.

lots are pre-sale option with possibility to personalize the construction with 4, 5 or 6 bedrooms, priced at US $550k, $680k and $730k.

Custom options will be available on the Pre-sale in regard to materials that could be used and design changes that could be made without causing problems with the integrity of the structure.

Measurement can be modified to the homes once it is determined what the client requests and can be determined there will be no structural impact to the home.

The swimming pool and items in the garden area can be removed, replaced, redesigned at the owner's discretion. The pool could take up part of the area used as an outside deck at this time, the pool configuration could be completely redesigned.

Items of this magnitude must be evaluated for cost impact and agreed to buy all involved party's.

The developer is open to suggestions and comments regarding options required by the prospective buyers.
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